Fiona (Seki) Giardino
My name is Fiona Seki Giardino, I belong to the Dak`laweidí Clan and I am a citizen of Carcross/Tagish First Nation.
Every winter my husband, our son, my father, and I head out on the line with our snow machines, our dogs, traps and some determination to do our best to harvest fur in a sustainable and respectful way.
Traditionally we believe that when you harvest an animal, that it has given its life to you. We say a prayer and make an offering of tobacco to honour this animal’s sacrifice. We uphold this tradition and take sustainable harvesting and conserving healthy populations of wildlife on our trapline seriously.
Like our ancestors before us, we maintain the objective to have a healthy habitat and wildlife population to continue into the future for our children and grandchildren to subsist on.
I am so grateful to be trapping on our line like my father, uncles, grandparents and great parents before me. A special gunalchéesh to my grandmother Yaajindahe’in/Kashadanda’(Dora Wedge), who inspired others to spend time on the land and have a deep love and respect for animals and nature.
Thank you for your interest in the fur we have harvested from our family trapline, and thank you for supporting hardworking trappers and wild fur.
Aatlein gunalchéesh. Thank you very much,