George (Yaándakhin Yeił) Bahm
My Tlingit name is Yáandakhin Yeił and Yeił s’ixi I am a member of the Kùkhhittàn (Raven Child) clan from Teslin. I am a grandchild and great grandchild of the Dakhł’awedí (killer whale) clan. I grew up connected to the land fishing, hunting, and trapping with my family on the South Canol road near the village of Teslin in the Yukon. These experiences have fostered a deep connection to place, culture, language and traditions that I still enjoy today and are central to my identity as a Tlingit First Nations and German person.
Trapping is big part of my life. When my great grandparents Jim and Annie Fox moved inland from Juneau/Douglas Alaska in the late 1800’s, they settled on the Nisutlin River and trapped the surrounding area with their children and grandchildren. One of their sons, my great uncle Billy Fox, established a trapline at Tsáatsi Héeni (Sidney Creek) with his wife Martha. My Parents Pius and Doris were the next to trap the line after Billy and Martha. I have been helping on the trapline since I was a small boy and in 2000 I became a partner in the concession with my great aunt Martha. Today I am solely responsible for the care and stewardship of the trapline.
As a trapper and business owner I am committed to bringing First Nations ethics and values into all that I do. Łdakát át kuyéik a tóo yéi yatee (everything has a spirit) and deserves respect. This is the foundation of our Haa Ḵusteeyi (way of life) and how we continue the tradition of fur harvesting.